Comment: The ships and vessels on this web site do not reflect the full structure of the naval forces of this country. This is only the ships and vessels that visited the Black Sea in the different time periods.
Argonaute (Argonaute, [SS]) go
Doris (Circe, [SC]) go
Q-115 Requin (Requin, [SS]) go
Q-116 Souffleur (Requin, [SS]) go
Mirabeau (Danton, [BB]) go
Voltaire (Danton, [BB]) go
Vergniaud (Danton, [BB]) go
France (Courbet, [BB]) go
Jean Bart (Courbet, [BB]) go
Democratie (Liberte, [BB]) go
Justice (Liberte, [BB]) go
Provence (Bretagne, [BB]) go
Bruix (Amiral Charner, [CA]) go
Du Chayla (D'Assas, [CA]) go
Ernest Renan (Ernest Renan, [CA]) go
Edgar Quinet (Edgar Quinet, [CA]) go
Waldeck Russo (Edgar Quinet, [CA]) go
Jules Michelet (Jules Michelet, [CA]) go
Duguay Trouin (Duguay Trouin, [CL]) go
Jeanne d'Arc (Jeanne d'Arc, [CL]) go
AG Algerien (Arab, [DD]) go
BM Bombara (Arab, [DD]) go
KB Kabyle (Arab, [DD]) go
HV Hova (Arab, [DD]) go
MR Marocain (Arab, [DD]) go
SK Sakalave (Arab, [DD]) go
SL Senegalais (Arab, [DD]) go
SM Somali (Arab, [DD]) go
TO Touareg (Arab, [DD]) go
TK Tonkinois (Arab, [DD]) go
BS Bisson (Bisson, [DD]) go
LA Commandant Lucas (Bisson, [DD]) go
MN Magon (Bisson, [DD) go
MG Mangini (Bisson, [DD]) go
OT Protet (Bisson, [DD]) go
BR Commandant Bory (Bouclier, [DD]) go
CQ Casque (Bouclier, [DD]) go
RV Commandant Riviere (Bouclier, [DD]) go
ML Capitaine Mehl (Bouclier, [DD]) go
DH Dehorter (Bouclier, [DD]) go
Simoun (Bourrasque, [DD]) go
Tempet (Bourrasque, [DD]) go
Tigre (Chacal, [DL]) go
FC Fauconneau (Durandal, [DD]) go
RX Enseigne Roux (Enseigne Roux, [DD]) go
Vauban (Guepard, [DL]) go
AH Aspirant Herber (Spahi, [DD]) go
Spahi (Spahi, [DD]) go
Hussard (Spahi, [DD]) go
ER Enseigne Henry (Spahi, [DD]) go
MK Mameluk (Spahi, [DD]) go
Pluton (Pluton, [ML]) go
Aldebaran (Aldebaran, [SLp]) go
Algol (Aldebaran, [SLp]) go
Altair (Aldebaran, [SLp]) go
Du Chaffault (Dubourdieu, [SLp]) go
Escaut (Dubourdieu, [SLp]) go
La Scarpe (La Scarpe, [SLp]) go
Suipee (La Scarpe, [SLp]) go
Toul (Amiens, [SLp]) go
Verdun (Amiens, [SLp]) go
Bar-Le-Duc (Amiens, [SLp]) go
Dunkerque (Amiens, [SLp]) go
Yser (Marne, [SLp]) go